317 Viserion - Achieve Greatness!

Dexter Morgan

Nov 11, 2008


Welcome to my project thread. The server name is Viserion. It is an economy based server where you are able to PVM, PVP, skill, gamble, and participate in unique content! The objective of Viserion is to provide flawless gameplay and unique content that hasn't been seen before as well as OSRS features. The revision is currently #149 but I do plan to update it to the most recent data soon. The base is Elvarg.

Spoiler for Media:

Battle Pass
Level up your Battle Pass level by doing anything that gains regular experience! Gain experience to unlock items. The Battle Pass currently costs 50 Donator tokens.

Boss Skill Tree
Fight bosses and kill them for points to unlock further bosses and side minigames!

Grand Exchange
Buy and sell items using the Grand Exchange!

Treasure Trials
Complete Treasure Trials for rewards and complete your collection log! Exchange an easy, medium, and a hard clue for an elite. Stuck on a step? No problem! Use the scroll on the exchanger to be teleported to your step, for a charge. Reach a milestone for unique items such as large spade, clueless scroll, and a heavy casket.

Collection log
Collect items from either drops or in general and track them using the Collection log. Be rewarded for completing a collection log section!

Well of Goodwill
Donate GP to the Well of Goodwill and be granted world wide benefits!
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Bossing Section
Participate in hunting the Daily Boss for a reward! You can do it as many times as you like.
Boss contracts is a miniquest where you are given a boss to kill in certain amount of time, killing them rewards you Blood Money and points to spend in a shop.
If you want to slay a boss in peace then the boss instancer is your guy! He will give you an instance of a boss for a charge!
Some bosses can only be hunted at a given time. The boss display selects a boss every 30 minutes. From Cave Kraken, to Cerberus, to the Kalphite Queen
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Minigames (WIP)

Some minigames involve the Minigame inventory! The minigame inventory consists of white armour that is unlocked and some crystals that are power ups.

Zombies (WIP)
Play Tranzit or Survival zombie based minigame.

Dagannoths hunting
Kill daggnoths for pages to fill in your book

All skills are trainable! Excluding Construction.

Skill tasks
All skills have a skill task and a master that gives out skilling tasks, the master cape and hood, and has a shop which you can spend the skilling points in.

Slayer has 5 masters based on difficulty and level. You can also select a partner to level up your Slayer with. While on tasks, the monsters drop Slayer key which can be used in the Slayer chest at home.
Also, while on task, some monsters have a 1:200 chance of spawning a superior version of them! All unlockables work as well as extending the tasks.
Bracelet of slaughter has a chance of negating the kill count while the Expenditious bracelet has a chance of doubling the kill count! Completing the tasks has a milestone additional bonus and reward!

Voting (WIP)
There are many benefits to voting!



Gambling is fun! Viserion provides Texas Hold 'Em, BlackJack, Roulette, and Lottery! As well as an item doubler!


Gamble against an opponent playing 55x2, Dice duel, or flower poker!
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Recent Updates
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Professor Oak for Elvarg base

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Good to see a project from you Dex! Followed your releases in the past months! Will do the same for you project, Can't wait for the next updates.
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Reactions: Dexter Morgan
Nice quality 317 for once, would love to see some HD plugin support would def stand out even more. I'll keep an eye on this!
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Reactions: Dexter Morgan

Ingame hiscore
View the Hiscores of all players offline and online. View Points, Skills, and monsters sub type hiscore!

Pet Exchange
Sell your duplicate pets!
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Player Inactivity
Be rewarded for staying in game and being inactive! There's a 1:10 chance of getting GP from 25k - 1m and 1:100 chance of getting up to 3.5m or 1k Blood money!
Spend points in a shop
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Worldwide Keys Drops
Every monster drops keys! From regular crystal key parts, bones key, resource key and gilded key for rare rewards

Daily Login
Be rewarded for Daily Logging in!
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More Voting Rewards
Voting on all sites grants a vote spinner casket and a random number game casket.

Item Raffle Box
Open the box by picking 5 slots and have a chance of being rewarded a high tier item! Otherwise, guaranteed 10k Blood Money

More To Achievements
Over 120 achievements added in! More coming soon!

More to Player Titles
Almost 40 new Titles just added in! More coming soon!

Monster Kill Tracker
Track killcount and record timing!
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Monster Drop Table
View all the monsters in game their drop table!
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Nice bro! Keen to see where this project goes.

For the HiScores I would try to use two different green tones (one a bit darker, one a bit lighter). In my opinion red and green have a very high contrast in comparison to each other.
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Reactions: Dexter Morgan

Wall cracking

AFKable thieving. Get gems from wall cracking, chance of onyx and zenyte gem too!
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Voting Additions
Voting armour that grants up to 30 additional ticketes for wearing it while voting!
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Vote buddy
Set a vote buddy and vote up to 1 hour difference between yourselfs for additional rewards!

Vote tree
Voting tree spawns every 12 global votes! Chop it down for a branch worth 38k in the shop. It is completely afkable and the branch stacks!
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Voting rock

Voting rock spawns every 5global votes! Mine it for perfect gold ore worth 20k in the shop. It is completely afkable and the ore stacks!
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Voting lottery
Upon voting you are automatically placed in the voting lottery that happens every hour! The reward is 100 vote tickets!

Voting boss
Voting boss spawns every 18 global votes! The drop loot is 50M with 5M per player attacking it extra. The boss has 10k HP
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Top Voters reward
Top weekly and top monthly voters rewarded for the top 3

Prestige system
Prestiging in a skill completely resets to back to 1 and you have to start over again. The benefit is that, for example, from woodcutting, you produce up an extra log per 2 prestige levels! For example, 10 prestige gives you additional 5 logs per cut so you are producing 6 logs per cut! The experience per prestige level is lowered as well, making it more of a challenge!
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Level up weapons
You are able to level up weapons! The effect only works in PvM! For 99 level achieved for a weapon you can hit up to 10 extra damage!
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Equipment screen
Change viewing type to view an items individual bonus or view the whole set! Press unequip for quickly unequipping your equipment. As well as compare gears!

Account Setup
Select a game mode whether you want to play as a regular or as an ironman!

Group Ironman
Play as a ironman but within a group of ironmans! Share a bank too! Owner can invite and remove members.

Player Profile
View all your points, skills, and adventure log!

Custom Bank Theme
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Login screen
Login screen and fading in and out login!
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Grand Exchange Addition
View all the items that are being sold!
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Voting Tree
Unlock further rewards from voting by unlocking items in the voting tree!
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Simple Barbarian Assault
Kill the Penance Queen for points to spend in the shop!

Staff can give a sanction to a player using this menu!
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They can also revert a sanction using this menu!
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Players can view their sanctions too!
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Staff Pay Role
Members of staff get paid in Blood Money. They can view their recent hours spend as well as claim pay at any time!
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Players Online
View players and staff members online!
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Veteran and Youtuber Ranks
Veteran and youtuber ranks are now available!
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Christmas Cracker

Capture the Flag
A flag spawns in the wilderness, bring it to Edgeville stand for a reward!

Blood Key and Wilderness Casket
While in the wilderness, killing your opponent may reward you a blood key or a wilderness casket!

Blood key rewards:
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Wilderness casket rewards:
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King of the Wilderness event

Every hour the King of the Wilderness event starts. Players will have to go to level 53 wilderness in Mage Training arena and wait for the battle to start. Winner gets 50k Blood Money plus 2.5k per player attended and a title unlocked!

Collection log Completionist reward
Upon completing a collection log gathering all the items, you are rewarded for doing so!
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Scratch card

Very unique concepts man! Love it, just might steal one :thiefmn:
Keep up the good work :)

Weapon Skill Tree
Unlock perks from usage points!
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Donator Additions:

Crew Pack
Reach level 100 of Crew Pack and pick a reward!
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Donation streaks
Donate $30 or more weekly for donation streak rewards and points
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Top weekly and monthly donator rewards
Top weekly rewards
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Top monthly rewards
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Donation streak rewards
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Donator boss
Every $100 donated a donator boss spawns that drops 5$ or 25$ donator scroll
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Donator Meter Game
donator meter game.gif

Donator Flash deals
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Rescue Offer
Duel arena rescue offer. When player loses over 500m he is offered a deal for $10 from 500m-2b
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Katana Special

God wars bosses
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3 Hourly return bonus
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I actually think you're onto something here, needs a nice animation or something you know :hm:

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Reactions: Dexter Morgan
I actually think you're onto something here, needs a nice animation or something you know :hm:


You need to find the animations for the old fiora ultimate back in season 2 where you'd press r and dash/zip through the entire enemy team lol.

Nonetheless nice content, I hope your server content is going to be as smooth as the interface work

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