We're pleased to announce we have made the migration over to Xenforo - at last!
It's been a challenge and there's likely to be a few things that still need ironing out but we believe we've got the most critical issues sorted and felt it was time to get moved across. The main reason behind this move is to ensure the longevity of the forums - Xenforo will allow us to better customize the Discord integration, have better security updates and more relevant moderator tooling. It also offers a much smoother user experience and is easier to navigate. If you spot anything out of the ordinary, we'd really appreciate you posting in the Defects forum so that we can take a look.
On side note, welcome our new Administrator @Jay Gatsby. Congratz
Thanks for your patience during the downtime and we hope you enjoy using the new forums.
We're pleased to announce we have made the migration over to Xenforo - at last!
It's been a challenge and there's likely to be a few things that still need ironing out but we believe we've got the most critical issues sorted and felt it was time to get moved across. The main reason behind this move is to ensure the longevity of the forums - Xenforo will allow us to better customize the Discord integration, have better security updates and more relevant moderator tooling. It also offers a much smoother user experience and is easier to navigate. If you spot anything out of the ordinary, we'd really appreciate you posting in the Defects forum so that we can take a look.
On side note, welcome our new Administrator @Jay Gatsby. Congratz
Thanks for your patience during the downtime and we hope you enjoy using the new forums.
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