The first rsps you ever played?

Apr 21, 2015
What was the first rsps you've ever played? What brought you there? Why'd ya like it (or hate it)? :)

Frugooscape, someone messaged me in game and said you could "play RuneScape the right way", I just had a blast spawning random stuff and fashion scaping.
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PwnXile back in 2010. :)
My best mate irl showed me it when I was around at his house one time. I was still a noob in rs at the time so I think mostly I just used to gmaul rush pures standing at the wildy ditch line in edge lmfao.
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One of the many Deltascape Leeches back in the day that popped out of nowhere :D Good old times grinding some dragon items :D
Frugooscape bro, I went to my irl boys house and we all played runescape at the time, but when he showed me his bank he had MAD items and I was like wtf?? and he told me it was frugooscape and then showed me how to login and such.

Then probably delta scape and the other 100 moparscape servers where you can change the ip to play xD
I played around with the mopar 3.2 client after seeing a youtube video on it or something. Then I think I started on some delta servers and all those silab servers. Can't really remember any names though =(.
I do remember being amazed when I could just go to an npc shop and buy wizard g for like 500 coins lol.

Spoiler for this og background:
I played around with the mopar 3.2 client after seeing a youtube video on it or something. Then I think I started on some delta servers and all those silab servers. Can't really remember any names though =(.
I do remember being amazed when I could just go to an npc shop and buy wizard g for like 500 coins lol.

Spoiler for this og background:

This was the shit!
I just looked for the biggest one as soon as EOC came out, so Soulsplit. Gameplay 6/10 but people I've met there and still talk to now brightened my experience.

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