317 Tarnish

Hi! Fantastic source, really enjoying working with it. Do you know what tool was used to create the npc_defs? I've looked at the NpcDefParser which is unfinished. Appreciate any help and if not I'll try to finish the parser myself :)

Hey, feel free to pm me on discord and i'll take a look into whatever you're trying to get sorted

Discord : tettings

thanks for this! really appreciate the blood, sweat, and tears you guys put into constructing this masterpiece. will definitely be using it as a base for my next server!!!

Do me a favor and never run an RSPS.
The best server I've seen ever. Thanks, Settings!

I have a question:
1. It have a sound & music system ?
Big ups to settings helping me out greatly getting me sorted so i could start messing around with the base :) Super friendly guy
Looks awesome, tried running it and for some reason I am getting this when running the server. "ERROR CONNECTING TO SERVER"

> Task :run
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:46 com.osroyale.OSRoyale [main]
INFO: Tarnish is running (client version 6)
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:46 com.osroyale.OSRoyale [main]
INFO: Game Engine=Sequential
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.ObjectDefinitionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loading object definitions.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.ObjectDefinitionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loaded 47501 object definitions.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.MapDefinitionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loading region definitions.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.MapDefinitionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loaded 1522 region definitions.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.RegionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loading regional map data.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.RegionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loaded 1522 regions, skipped 0 maps.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.AnimationDefinitionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loading animation definitions.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:47 com.osroyale.fs.cache.decoder.AnimationDefinitionDecoder [main]
INFO: Loaded 10087 animation definitions.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:51 com.osroyale.game.world.entity.combat.attack.listener.CombatListenerManager [main]
INFO: Loaded: 60 item set combat listeners.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:51 com.osroyale.game.world.entity.combat.attack.listener.CombatListenerManager [main]
INFO: Loaded: 86 npc combat listeners.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:51 com.osroyale.util.parser.GenericParser [main]
INFO: Loaded: 3512 npc spawns.
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:51 com.osroyale.content.shootingstar.ShootingStar [main]
INFO: Loaded Shooting Stars event.
Initing Discord...
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:51 com.osroyale.util.parser.GenericParser [pool-2-thread-11]
INFO: Loaded: 0 world.
[pool-2-thread-10] INFO discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder - Discord4J 3.2.4 (Discord4J - The fastest Discord API wrapper written in Java)
Dec 12, 2023 1:01:51 com.osroyale.OSRoyale [main]
ERROR: A problem has been encountered while starting the server.
net.dv8tion.jda.api.exceptions.InvalidTokenException: The provided token is invalid!
at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.JDAImpl.verifyToken(JDAImpl.java:414) ~[JDA-5.0.0-beta.11.jar:5.0.0-beta.11]
at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.JDAImpl.login(JDAImpl.java:331) ~[JDA-5.0.0-beta.11.jar:5.0.0-beta.11]
at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.JDAImpl.login(JDAImpl.java:297) ~[JDA-5.0.0-beta.11.jar:5.0.0-beta.11]
at net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDABuilder.build(JDABuilder.java:1828) ~[JDA-5.0.0-beta.11.jar:5.0.0-beta.11]
at com.osroyale.net.discord.DiscordPlugin.startUp(DiscordPlugin.java:24) ~[main/:?]
at com.osroyale.OSRoyale.processParallelStatupTasks(OSRoyale.java:123) ~[main/:?]
at com.osroyale.OSRoyale.start(OSRoyale.java:163) ~[main/:?]
at com.osroyale.OSRoyale.main(OSRoyale.java:193) [main/:?]
ERROR: A problem has been encountered while starting the server.

Client (when attempting to log in)

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
at java.base/java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:101)
at java.base/java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:412)
at java.base/java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:255)
at java.base/java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:237)
at java.base/java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:392)
at java.base/java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:609)
at java.base/java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:558)
at java.base/java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:454)
at java.base/java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:231)
at com.osroyale.Client.login(Client.java:11778)
at com.osroyale.Client.attemptLogin(Client.java:11768)
at com.osroyale.login.impl.MainScreen.click(MainScreen.java:118)
at com.osroyale.login.LoginRenderer.click(LoginRenderer.java:33)
at com.osroyale.Client.processGameLoop(Client.java:6995)
at com.osroyale.engine.GameEngine.clientTick(GameEngine.java:397)
at com.osroyale.engine.GameEngine.run(GameEngine.java:647)
at com.osroyale.Client.run(Client.java:9426)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)

Followed the set up instructions and I feel like I did everything "correctly". But I probably missed something stupid, any ideas on where I could of messed up?
Looks awesome, tried running it and for some reason I am getting this when running the server. "ERROR CONNECTING TO SERVER"

Client (when attempting to log in)

Followed the set up instructions and I feel like I did everything "correctly". But I probably missed something stupid, any ideas on where I could of messed up?

Mb fileserver is down, this doesnt have auto cache downloader
How do I run the client?
I can run the server just fine but the Client doesn't seem to have anything to run it with, even after I built it
Edit: Nvm I'm stupid, you have to go to the libs folder in build and run Tarnish.jar
How do I run the client?
I can run the server just fine but the Client doesn't seem to have anything to run it with, even after I built it
Edit: Nvm I'm stupid, you have to go to the libs folder in build and run Tarnish.jar

You can run it using the gradle task
Hey, can someone help me build correct jar file for server? Id like to run it on vps without intellij for me and couple of friends. Whenever i try to run server jar it says no main manifest attribute
Hey, can someone help me build correct jar file for server? Id like to run it on vps without intellij for me and couple of friends. Whenever i try to run server jar it says no main manifest attribute

Use the allatoriJar gradle task.

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