317 Tarnish: Updated public release


🍖 the coding caveman
Nov 15, 2008

Tarnish: Updated public release

This is an updated latest-version public release of Tarnish, with OSRS 218 data.

JDK has been upgraded to 21, Kotlin to 2.0.0, Gradle to 8.9, SwiftFUP to 3.6.1 and all dependencies to their very latest stable versions.

The project has been turned into a Gradle sub-project design so it is easier to work with, and includes IDEA run configs & a setup guide to make things very easy for you.

  1. Clone the repository (git clone https://github.com/Jire/tarnish.git or use IntelliJ IDEA's built-in VCS)
  2. Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA.
  3. Make sure you have JDK 21 and JDK 11 (client requires it) installed in IntelliJ settings. Select JDK 21 as the default for the project.
  4. Download the latest cache: https://files.jire.org/cache-tarnish-218.zip
  5. Place the latest cache into the game-server/data/cache directory.
  6. Run the Run Server IDEA run configuration to start the server.

  7. Setup the SwiftFUP cache file server with the latest cache in its server/cache/ directory.
  8. Run the Run Client IDEA run configuration to start the client.

  9. Enjoy playing!

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I have downloaded and got this all up and running. I wanted to ask using IDE how would I give myself admin priviledges for my character?
EDIT// I also did just dm you on discord so if you wanna badger me there go ahead
Did anybody ever end up releasing the updated RSPSi that worked with Tarnish? I saw Settings made a post saying it was uploaded, but I haven't been able to find it.
Did anybody ever end up releasing the updated RSPSi that worked with Tarnish? I saw Settings made a post saying it was uploaded, but I haven't been able to find it.
Its in the same thread where the downloads are.
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