Staff Changes 2019-09-08

Staff member
Aug 8, 2007
Today we say farewell and thank-you to one of our longest servicing moderators. [user]cube[/user] became a forum moderator in 2012, and an appellate moderator in 2016. Cube's efforts have helped keep the site safe and fair for its users, ensuring that those who break the rules are dealt with and helping to reduce the rates of recidivism. Please join me in collectively thanking Cube for his efforts.

Stepping up to fill the role of appellate moderator from today will be [user]Spooky[/user]. In Spooky's most recent tenure as moderator he has proven his ability to deal with community matters and ensure members safety time and time again.

In other news...

  • The "most recent" post flair now shows the user's display group (e.g. red + donator crown)
  • Two-factor authentication now remembers your device rather than just your IP
  • A bug has been fixed that caused style changes to occur when following links to rune-server from search engines
  • Desktop notifications are now supported for actions such as inbound private messages
  • Embedded YouTube videos can now be full-screened
  • New [discord]169127461945212928[/discord] bb codes have been added to show an embbeded view of a given Discord
  • The portal no longer includes posts from users you have ignored
Thanks for your service cube <3

2fa update has changed my life
cube's voluntary work is and has been very appreciated by everyone in this community. thank you for everything cube!

many congratulations to spooky, and thanks for the heads up scu!
Dam I thought Cube was just trolling by switching his rank to programmer when Major was in the SB, long time moderator did a pretty good job so props for the dedication! Spooky is definitely the best pick for appellate moderator just from seeing how good he was when handling things, so congratulations on that and best of luck to the rest of the staff team as a whole! :yes:
I know you didn’t like me For all the times I would fuck around and get muted on discord (13 mutes) but it was fun having you as a moderator

Now step aside and watch me take over your role. :cool:

Also I’m 6’5 and jacked
Also am I allowed to tag you on the discord? Now that you can’t mute me
Lol, ur not allowed to leave, it devalues my r-s experience.

On a more serious note, r-s is taking a hit, you were definitely the best moderator.
Cube resigning? Didn't see that one coming. Thanks for all your hard work over the years.

Congratz to Spooky, definitely the right guy for the job! :yes:
Cube was a really good mod, sad to see him go.

Congratulations to Spooky, he is a great choice for appellate moderator.

The new 2FA update is amazing.
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From what I’ve seen from cube over my past 2 years on r-s, he was a class moderator, sad to see u resigning!

Congrats spooky g!
Didn't expect that! Well deserved for Spooky, cube was a fun guy though, his contributions will be remembered.
Good to see some updates coming in, small or not, they're nice. :)
As clichéd as it may sound, rune-server won't feel the same without the same staff and losing cube, who was in fact one of the most dedicated mods, is a pretty big deal.
Thank you for your serving this place for 7 years, cube. You've been around from about the time when I created my first account. We all have our personal lives and we need to move on with other things we have to do but still, you'll be missed by everyone

Congratulations to Spooky, he has served the site well enough to have received the deserving promotion.

One of the GOAT mods Rune-Server has had. rip in paradise not having to mod here anymore
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