OSRS Shanty

cant wait guys

Looks impressive. Ive always been a proponent of island based servers in rsps as a way to counteract lower player counts and also add a sense of closeness and originality to the world.
Looks interesting on the surface, but to give it a fair judgement I'll need to play it.
I wish you goodluck :D
Original, Unique, Professional, Great & Strong team... I'm in love!
After all the retarded shit I've seen on this forum, this has opened the door of hope for me again. It looks incredible, and I hope you lads will not give up on such a masterpiece.
This project will surely go down in the history books of one of the greatest RSPS's of all time <3.

Keep up the good work lads. Lots of people are counting on ya'll ;).
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I'm excited. This is exactly what I have been looking for! :yes:

Added logo to my signature. :confetti:
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Now this is something I’m looking forward to following. Hands down the most unique, content packed RSPS to come to the scene in... we’ll probably forever. Best of luck on this guys, you all are doing a great job. I look forward to keeping up with this project.

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