RSCEMULATION!!! Longest running Runescape Classic private server.

Jun 16, 2014

Runescape Classic was the original version of Runescape officialy released in 2001. The game had an upgraded game engine in late March 2004 and was then known as Runescape 2. Many players still had a soft spot for the original version.
This server is mostly aimed at veteran RSC players who played the game during that time. (2001-2004) Everyone is welcome to try and we have a nice chunk of players from all around the world.

The name of this server is called Rscemulation, and can be located at ( RSCEmulation - A RuneScape Classic Private Server (
I'll start off by telling you a little bit about the server.

- The Owner is Saders
- The Staff are real mature, and they do their best to meet the player's needs, aswell as keeping justice.
- Our experience rate is decent. Not too high, but not too low. 8X outside of the wilderness and 12x inside the wilderness.. - Which benefits a lot of players who just want to pk, or stake away all their stuff. It's a balanced server, the PKers please the skillers and the skillers please the pkers.
- We have constant updates, which means the server is constantly getting better, to better it's players.

- We have our own Events, that are hosted by the Staff to help get player's active in pking, and enjoy playing the game.

We have VERY good pking. Flat's, ( 99 Strength, Attack, And Defense ) is a very common level you'll see people pking at. We also have Lower level pking, usually between 20-38, and 70-95 combat. And a lot of people pk at the zombie graveyard, but skirmishes happen all over the wilderness. Basically we have pking at almost any combat level, and anywhere in the wild.
Here's some pictures of pking that's going on. While I'm making this.



To get started please visit our website ( RSCEmulation - A RuneScape Classic Private Server

1. Register a new account.

2. After registering a website account visit the character hub to create an in-game character so you can login

3. You can now login via the downloaded external client, or you can play via your web browser if you prefer

4. If you have any trouble at logging don't hesitate to ask for support on our forum


We have an extremely active community. Tons of members. Check us out!
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Server is still up! We increased our exp rates to 7x outside the wilderness, and 11x inside.
We're getting 120-150 online daily at peak times. COME PLAY NOW!!!! Active border and castle pking!!!
Haven't played RSC for so god damn long... might actually play it if i get the chance.

Goodluck with it mate.
Corrupt staff with owner being most corrupt of them all :) I liked it so much that I got an account reset for hosting my own rsc server :p
good to hear it's still up :) used to play for a while a couple years ago as I found I could play RSCE within my college xD
Sorry guys, but this server is officially closed. This server has been live since 2009. We at rscemulation have dealt with some sad times. The founder of rsce Luke Leary, aka Kryptix died in 2012. The co-admin Pyru ran the server from 2012 to late 2016 until he sold the server to Blake Bassil, aka Saders, who then, also died in Mid 2017 sadly.
A reminder of the harsh reality of this world in a small corner of the internet.
The server has been shut down for good. So many good times. We all loved the original game Runescape Classic over the new Runescape. (rs2)

Rip Luke Leary
Rip Blake Bassil.

Rsce lives on!
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Sorry guys, but this server is officially closed. This server has been live since 2009. We at rscemulation have dealt with some sad times. The founder of rsce Luke Leary, aka Kryptix died in 2012. The co-admin Pyru ran the server from 2012 to late 2016 until he sold the server to Blake Bassil, aka Saders, who then, also died in Mid 2017 sadly.
A reminder of the harsh reality of this world in a small corner of the internet.
The server has been shut down for good. So many good times. We all loved the original game Runescape Classic over the new Runescape. (rs2)

Rip Luke Leary
Rip Blake Bassil.

Rsce lives on!

I appreciate your post Grittz. This is Saders brother who played rs classic and rscemulation with him. Much respect.

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