No I decided not to waste my life continuing coding on this 24/7 for a community full of rude people, yes there are some good people, but the haters and ungrateful people really made me question myself and realize that I was wasting my time building this. I put literally all day every day into this for a full year plus on and off coding on it since 2013, yes I made a lot of progress and put a lot of my life into coding this, and I dont want it to go to waste, so I am not done coding if forever, but I decided not to dedicate the final 6 months of nonstop coding to this, and I decided to live my life instead, as I had literal no life while coding this as it was all I did non stop.
When I posted my initial posts earlier this year I was expecting excitement and good feedback and people grateful that someone was actually building such a project, and was coming to an end after all of my hard work and literally sacrificing my life to create the game. The feedback I got was people being very rude and ignorant to all the effort I had put in to recovering the game and finding the missing game files and putting everything together inside one project, I spent years fixing the files and searching and finally finding many of the cache files and versions that have not been discovered, and I was expecting gratefulness for my efforts. I was extremely disappointed and completely turned off by the community with all the negativity.
Therefore I make no promises of it ever being fully released to the public, I still enjoy logging on and playing with my creation its quite amazing, and I will for sure post more videos about the game, but it may never see a public release to this community.