317 [Apollo] Evergreen - A Modern 2006 Rendition | Adjustable UI | Runelite Features

Nov 24, 2022

Download this base application and service -> Apollo - Basic Combat Sequence

An Evergreen Introduction
Really this all began when I stumbled upon your forum and started exploring its contents. At first, I lacked a clear vision or specific goals. Throughout numerous iterations of the game, I faced limitations in terms of time, knowledge, and resources. Despite these challenges I made the decision of using Apollo and Danes MITB. With a ton of searching around I found various other elements left by members on the forum, and successfully integrated them into my project. Once I established a solid foundation, I knew that I wanted to start with the essentials like combat before any content from the RuneScape era I remembered. Inspired by the impressive client features of the latest OSRS version, which I frequently enjoy playing on the mobile client, my primary objective became improving the front-end aesthetics of the #317. Thus, the Evergreen Project was born!

Thanks for reading, come back soon and check the progress!


Production Outline

This project will begin with basic mechanics and gradually evolve into a fully-fledged product. As of build #0.3 I will be starting the server from scratch using Apollo.

Evergreen Update Bulletin

*Links provided are r-s post links

Update #0.2 - Refreshed project - (view)
Update #0.3 - Apollo and my combat journey - (view)
Update #0.4 - Magic spells, XP Drops, Prayers & More! - (view)
Update #0.5 - NPC Combat Animations, Drops, Ground Items - (view)
Update #0.6 - Fletching, Dialogues, Pickpocketing & More! - (view)
Update #0.7 - Level Up Dialogues, Global Items Spawns, HD Minimap & More! - (view)
Update #0.8 - XP Orb, Movable Widgets, Thieving Stalls - (view)
Update #0.9 - Revision Upgrade, Game World Clipping, Target Routing, NPC Combat scripts - (view)
Update #1.0 - Wilderness, Completed Mobs, Better Target Routing, Home Area - (view)

Combat Completion Log

All equipment animations and bonuses are used with the correct fight styles, all fight styles are usable, attack timers and range to melee switching is near perfect. All prayers work and are factored into the hit math, the hit math is 100% accurate to osrs combat psuedo formulas. All combat effects and timers are complete.
Spoiler for Open Log:

  • MJJYdoT.png
    Melee (image)
    • Maxhit formulae
    • Hit chance formulae
    • Hit delays
    • Fight styles
    • Special attacks
    • Special attack effects
  • iOiYHk5.png
    Ranged (image)
    • Maxhit formulae
    • Hit chance formulae
    • Hit delays
    • Attack range
    • Ammo compatibility
    • Projectiles
    • Special attacks
    • Special attacks effects
  • IdANQhD.png
    Magic (image)
    • Spell maxhits
    • Hit chance formulae
    • Hit delays
    • Attack range
    • Rune requirement
    • Staff replacement for runes
    • Magic on Mob
    • Autocasting
    • Projectiles
    • Spell effects

Skills Completion Log

Spoiler for Open Log:

  • GHYITn1.png
    • Bury bones
    • Prayers and prayer effects
  • IdANQhD.png
    • Magic on items
      • Level 1 jewelry enchantment
      • Bones to bananas
      • Low level alchemy
      • Level 2 jewelry enchantment
      • Superheat item
      • Level 3 jewelry enchantment
      • High level alchemy
      • Level 4 jewelry enchantment
      • Level 5 jewelry enchantment
    • Magic on floor items
      • Telekinetic Grab
    • Magic on objects
      • Charge water orb
      • Charge earth orb
      • Charge fire orb
      • Charge air orb
  • oBrCW5z.png
    • Rune crafting
      • Multiple runes modifier
    • Altar locating with talisman
    • Ability to use altars around the world to enter the proper altar dimensions
  • GE4GjBk.png
    • Hide tanning
    • Leather crafting
    • Spinning
    • Pottery
    • Glass making
    • Jewelry
      • Crushed gems
    • Weaponry
  • JmliR4s.png
    • Rocks
      • Limestone
      • Gem rocks
    • Prospecting rocks
    • Exploding rocks
    • Chance at random gem on iron rocks
  • mgfXGKR.png
    • Smelting
    • Item smithing
    • Cannonball smithing
  • kNT7krl.png
    • Small net fishing
    • Big net fishing
    • Rod fishing
    • Harpoon fishing
    • Cage fishing
    • Fishing spots random movement
  • V9HKQC8.png
    • Meat
    • Bread
    • Pies
    • Stews
    • Pizzas
    • Cakes
    • Wine
    • Dairy
  • vUernJx.png
    • Log burning with clipped pathing
  • DeXc3QR.png
    • Trees
    • Breaking axes
    • Random event
  • UvUU7F8.png
    • Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
    • Brimhaven Agility Arena
    • Barbarian Outpost Agility Course
    • Wilderness Agility Course
  • oGjyJ7Y.png
    • Herb identifying
    • Unfinished potion making
    • Potion making
  • MP24sDQ.png
    • Pickpocketing no stun effect
    • Stall thieving
  • fridnv7.png
    • Arrows
    • Bows
    • Darts
    • Javelins
  • 2887f0a5a7ae95d2545a8ec97d6c8631.png
    • Slayer Tasks

Note: This game was designed to be modern and lightweight. On my machine while also running the server in standard fixed mode it runs about 11-12ms with resize mode running around 15-17ms but this can vary when you continuously enlarge the game, regardless in the majority of its use it stays at 50fps with little to no effort.


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Best of luck, nice to see someone preferring the older assets over the newer ones.
Best of luck, nice to see someone preferring the older assets over the newer ones.

You should take notes from this project. Evergreen appears to have more potential than your almost decade of building ScapeRune..

OT: I hope to see a successful 06 server in this era with loads of players seeking nostalgia with full RL functionality. :beer:
You should take notes from this project. Evergreen appears to have more potential than your almost decade of building ScapeRune..

Why are you looking to insult me on other peoples project threads while I'm wishing them good fortune? Perhaps if you're going to take a stab at me you should understand the purpose of both projects. There are similarities and there are differences, we aren't striving to be the same project.

Lets dig in:
  • I aim to build my own server and client package that I can rely on for hosting in the future.

ScapeRune has the same goal, most all servers share this goal.

  • The server will primarily be based on the original 317 version, but with additions to give it a newer feel.

We are a 462~ server with small additions to modernize ONLY on the client side as optional opt ins (ex. Clan Chat, fullscreen, GPU rendering, etc).

  • I'm not striving to create the best or most advanced server, nor a perfect replica of a specific revision. My main focus is to create a fun and enjoyable game.

We ARE trying to create a prefect replica, it has been beat like a dead horse on our page that the entire purpose of my project is to do this. We have favored decisions that resulted in huge development times and lost players instead of creating quick quests/content that aren't identical to the actual game (like other servers have to do order to maintain updates to keep players around) and will continue to take our time. Our goal is different. We care about having a perfect replica more than a populated game and it has been said many times (like I can't even count how many times we've said it) on my thread.

  • I want players to feel like they're experiencing a freshly developed game, rather than something created two decades ago.

We don't, we want people to feel like they are playing something created two decades ago and have went above and beyond restoring old assets (ex. website, maps, etc) to push this cause further.

  • It would be fantastic if this server could incorporate all the features of Runelite, including GPU functionality, while maintaining a streamlined user interface.

We are doing something similar and have already integrated some RuneLite features and removed others, anything that favors making the game easier we have removed. We are keeping skill trackers, hiscores, loot tracking, etc in ours though. We prefer more of a swiftkit feel. We have even made our own plugins for switching gameframe years that call the actual Jagex code ported from different revisions to build different gameframes (instead of RuneLite's hacky sprite changing one limited by cs2 and a permanent 8 line chatbox) and old/new NPC models.

  • The design should closely resemble the current mobile client.

We don't have any intents to go mobile or have similarities but possibly a webclient someday might be neat for us.

If you have some specific thing evergreen is doing differently than us that you think we can honestly benefit from I love constructive criticism, however I think there are more similarities and differences on purpose than you may think. There's room for everyone in this community and I'm glad that evergreen and I have different ideas on our project, that's what makes things fun and unique.
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Reactions: ISAI and NeoxPS

Thank you for responding to him with informative insights. I concur that while our projects may seem similar at first glance, they do, in fact, differ when it comes to outlining our respective objectives.

Keep it up! Any chance on open sourcing your project?

Unfortunately this project will not be open source but I am open to helping others accomplish similar goals.
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If you have some specific thing evergreen is doing differently than us that you think we can honestly benefit from I love constructive criticism, however I think there are more similarities and differences on purpose than you may think. There's room for everyone in this community and I'm glad that evergreen and I have different ideas on our project, that's what makes things fun and unique.

I said it in 2019 and I'll say it again..

It's a shame that so much time has been put into your project just to never have it fully alive or ever reach a potential it truly deserves, it's almost like you have created a replica of Runescape just to say you recreated the game. You have spent 100s if not 1000s of hours coding a game that is unplayable without a community behind it. I said ScapeRune reminds me of a Helen Keller Ironman Server. I said I "guess I'll wait another 4 years to find out".. guess what? It's 2023 and it's been 4 long years since my last reply.

I'm disappointed and don't treat this as an attack on SR, it's an attack on your ability to see the bigger picture. Dodian (the current remake) is exactly the same, no plans of ever building a community and it will remain hosted with maybe 5 active players.. that's an atrocity to what I played back in 2007, Dodian was phenomenal with 100's of players, it made the game 10x better. *edit* It appears the .com original has resurfaced which is exciting!

Evergreen has introduced RL plugins into an 06era server and much more! They have conquered some unbelievable hurtles it appears and plans to strive to be the best, they also don't plan on recreating a REPLICA (which you have done so desperately) and I admire that greatly!

So.. once Evergreen has launched I'll be happily supporting it and I'm sure SR will continue to wither away for another 4 years.
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Reactions: evergreen
I said it in 2019 and I'll say it again..

It's a shame that so much time has been put into your project just to never have it fully alive or ever reach a potential it truly deserves, it's almost like you have created a replica of Runescape just to say you recreated the game. You have spent 100s if not 1000s of hours coding a game that is unplayable without a community behind it. I said ScapeRune reminds me of a Helen Keller Ironman Server. I said I "guess I'll wait another 4 years to find out".. guess what? It's 2023 and it's been 4 long years since my last reply.

I'm disappointed and don't treat this as an attack on SR, it's an attack on your ability to see the bigger picture. Dodian (the current remake) is exactly the same, no plans of ever building a community and it will remain hosted with maybe 5 active players.. that's an atrocity to what I played back in 2007, Dodian was phenomenal with 100's of players, it made the game 10x better. *edit* It appears the .com original has resurfaced which is exciting!

Evergreen has introduced RL plugins into an 06era server and much more! They have conquered some unbelievable hurtles it appears and plans to strive to be the best, they also don't plan on recreating a REPLICA (which you have done so desperately) and I admire that greatly!

So.. once Evergreen has launched I'll be happily supporting it and I'm sure SR will continue to wither away for another 4 years.

I hate to go off topic on this mans post but I'll go ahead and say it and leave it at this.

The goal of ScapeRune is to accurately recreate the game as close to our ability. This is something we've done since the start and with the recent overhauls we've been doing, that goal is much more achievable. You're totally correct that the server is dead, nobody is denying that. We have not spent any time or effort into advertising it as we feel as if the server is not ready for it. Even more now that we're doing a full rewrite. Once the new server is out and has gone through all the testing periods, we plan on investing a lot of time and money into advertising the game. As you said, not everyone wants to play ironman mode.


Evergreen, I wish you luck on your project and I hope you learn a lot. Looking good so far.
I said it in 2019 and I'll say it again..

It's a shame that so much time has been put into your project just to never have it fully alive or ever reach a potential it truly deserves, it's almost like you have created a replica of Runescape just to say you recreated the game. You have spent 100s if not 1000s of hours coding a game that is unplayable without a community behind it. I said ScapeRune reminds me of a Helen Keller Ironman Server. I said I "guess I'll wait another 4 years to find out".. guess what? It's 2023 and it's been 4 long years since my last reply.

I'm disappointed and don't treat this as an attack on SR, it's an attack on your ability to see the bigger picture. Dodian (the current remake) is exactly the same, no plans of ever building a community and it will remain hosted with maybe 5 active players.. that's an atrocity to what I played back in 2007, Dodian was phenomenal with 100's of players, it made the game 10x better. *edit* It appears the .com original has resurfaced which is exciting!

Evergreen has introduced RL plugins into an 06era server and much more! They have conquered some unbelievable hurtles it appears and plans to strive to be the best, they also don't plan on recreating a REPLICA (which you have done so desperately) and I admire that greatly!

So.. once Evergreen has launched I'll be happily supporting it and I'm sure SR will continue to wither away for another 4 years.

That's an awfully hostile response for something that wasn't supposed to be an attack on SR :hm:
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I hate to go off topic on this mans post but I'll go ahead and say it and leave it at this.

The goal of ScapeRune is to accurately recreate the game as close to our ability. This is something we've done since the start and with the recent overhauls we've been doing, that goal is much more achievable. You're totally correct that the server is dead, nobody is denying that. We have not spent any time or effort into advertising it as we feel as if the server is not ready for it. Even more now that we're doing a full rewrite. Once the new server is out and has gone through all the testing periods, we plan on investing a lot of time and money into advertising the game. As you said, not everyone wants to play ironman mode.


Evergreen, I wish you luck on your project and I hope you learn a lot. Looking good so far.

I tried to sign up and play ScapeRune.
1. Couldn't even verify my email address.
2. Because I can't verify I can't even login.
3. ScapeRune - the massive online adventure game just shows a blank website page.

Goodluck on the project though.
Dodian (the current remake) is exactly the same, no plans of ever building a community and it will remain hosted with maybe 5 active players.. that's an atrocity to what I played back in 2007, Dodian was phenomenal with 100's of players, it made the game 10x better.

You're a moron. If you truly had any sort of passion for Dodian, you'd not only know there was/is plans. You'd also contribute to it.

Very big of you to sit here and chat shit about shit you don't know anything about. Get your head out of your ass.
Hello everyone,

I would ask that you please refrain from making further off-topic comments. If any more off-topic comments are made, I am going to start handing out infractions.

Awesome project! Good luck with it, excited to see where it goes.

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