2006 osrs website

Oct 13, 2008
I am looking for the 2006 osrs website. Was woundering if anyone had released versions of this site?
Ask chatgpt,
And here is his answer

Here’s a guide on how you can manually download the archived RuneScape website and save it with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images:

Step 1: Use a Web Scraping Tool​

To save a website locally, you’ll need a web scraping tool or website downloader. A popular choice is HTTrack, which is free and easy to use. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Download HTTrack from httrack.com.
  2. Install the application and open it once it’s installed.

Step 2: Configure HTTrack​

  1. Create a New Project in HTTrack and name it as you like (e.g., "RuneScape Archive").
  2. Set a download path for where you want the files to be saved.
  3. Enter the Archive URL:
  4. Adjust Settings:
    • You might want to limit the depth of the download to avoid getting too many unwanted pages. This can typically be done under “Set options” → “Limits.”
    • Make sure JavaScript, CSS, and images are allowed to be downloaded in the options.

Step 3: Start Downloading​

  1. Once everything is set up, click Start to begin the download.
  2. HTTrack will begin copying the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images to your specified directory.

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