
  1. J

    718 Zoom

    What you will be adding: - Holding shift and using mouse wheel to zoom in and/or out - Holding shift and clicking mouse wheel in to reset zoom - Command "resetzoom" to reset zoom amount. Useful if players are on laptops and can scroll with touchpad but do not have a button to reset back zoom...
  2. OodlesOfNoodles


    delete lol
  3. Lost Redemption

    [718] Only have one item at a time

    How can I make it so when my players get a clue scroll drop (for example), they cannot get another one until the current clue scroll is completed or another one not being in their inventory or bank? Thanks!
  4. Lost Redemption

    [718/742] Clue Scroll - Casket Opening Help

    I have clue scrolls added to my server, but when I get a casket, it does not open! How can I fix this? If you need any information, just say so! Thank you.
  5. H

    Scroll Support for all Familars - Summoning

    Sick of single scrolls being released, very chunky code for all of them. I encourage people to use this, it's not the best but it's certainly better then doing the same methods for the same scrolls. Comments for the noobs. Add this, preferably in your summoning class public void...
  6. Galkon

    New Scrollbar

    Purpose: To draw the newer scrollbar, instead of the old blocky ones. Difficulty: 0/10 Required Knowledge: Copy and paste, eyesight. Classes Modified: THIS IS REFACTORED ONLY. Add this in public void newScrollDrawing(int j, int k, int l, int i1, int j1) {...