Search results

  1. M

    718 black screen paying

    client goes to 2% and blackscreens i have seen tons of people with this issue too seems cache related im using 718 hyrdrix client
  2. M

    718 black screen paying

    paying for a 718 client cache downloading blackscreen fix
  3. M

    718 blackscreen fix

    looking for some sorta fix for the 718 cache download black screen
  4. M

    718 blackscreen

    when downloading cache everyone encounters a full black screen not sure how to fix
  5. M

    Looking for owner/developer/coder

    im down
  6. M

    need a DEV

    im down dm me
  7. M

    718 Lookin for beta testers

    Currently developing a 718 and am looking for community managers/beta testers/staff to help improve the server. This server is currently NOT online for the public, just looking for a small team to work with. Reply with your discord and i'll add you