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  • The RuneScape Archive Project is hosting a prize of $200 to 10 different people who are able to provide lost versions of RuneScape.

    If you have a legitimate lost cache of RuneScape and are interested, you can join the Discord from their website at RuneScape Archive Project

    But yeah really, any cache from around that era(,2005) would do, so long its complete :)
    So uhh, we used to know each other? You left a message on my profile in like 2009 telling me to get on msn haha. You're not my buddy that I used to play Emps-scape with back in the day, are you?
    Please scrub the remainder of those messages from the chat history in your discord before re-adding the link, thanks in advance
    EDIT: nvm, found one myself.


    Sorry to bother you.

    But would u happen to got a link to vid where some1 goes through the magic doors @zanaris (the ones that should cost a diamond)

    - realised that they work just as a regular double doors on my server...

    PS. clear ur pms
    you never told me you were working on 435... :( if i knew i wouldnt of released, i released 435 as a present to rune-server because im leaving soon
    Jacob said you have a 478 cache, and if you got a complete 481 cache then I'd like to have it. The 481 cache uploaded somewhere on here is missing object defs which causes missing objects when loading 317 maps.
    If you uploaded the 478 cache, please send link to this account, they banned my account as you can see or send Jacob the link so he can send it to me. sorry for the trouble ive been an enemy of the forum lately because im ridin dirty
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