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  • [2015-09-30 11:24:51 AM] Tim: Y u always unbannin, always unbannin, mmhmmohmygod, stop fucking unbanning without reversing the infraction
    "dont neg its me trick cuz he supports the server"

    are you kidding lol he's the one who banned me. he's one of the owners
    Would you maybe he able to point me in the direction of someone who might? If not it's all good in really appercitatethe r response back
    I'm working on a 718 server and am trying to see if anyone knows how to remove voting it's stopping us from wearing torva spirtit shields etc just was curious if you maybe knew I've looked everywhere for a form on how to do it But got nothing
    I've been here since 2011... Other account got hacked and then scammed people and got banned. Damn it moppy
    Ayo, got sent here by Arvid. I need some help regarding a 728+ loading 749 server!
    The thing is, i cant get it to run properly on mac. Only mode that works is the safemode.
    Would be great if u'd be able to help out!

    Thanks in advance
    Thank you for closing my thread, I could see it was not going to work, but I wanted to clarify some things:

    1. {this is 100% real NØ SPAM} << posts in spam section? <--What would be the appropriate section for such a request to be posted in? I already explained I put it in the spam section for fear of it getting closed or deleted from anywhere else (despite it being a serious offer)
    2. calling ppl delusional spastic while ^ <--- sorry
    3. definitely a troll thread <--- it wasn't troll, sorry you thought it was, I should've worded my original post better, but I explained many times I wasn't trolling and you ignore
    4. (developer pic) <--- I used to be a developer, but not anymore, again this was explained in one of my posts in the thread
    5. my name is scary moppy
    6. i just advanced a runecrafting level <----- gratz. u play osrs or this something else?
    7. closed
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