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  • you left me a visitor message, now it won't get off my notifications. I have permanent 1 notification forever. Thanks.
    Who are you, and what are you talking about? You must have me confused with someone else.
    Apples, mate, what have you been up to? I had you added on Skype a while back although I do not imagine you remember me or the name "Hoodlum"
    I don't understand why you don't continue the project you were working on (when we were last speaking). It would work better for you, because you're very skilled in Java, hell I'd put money your server would be better than SoulSplits.

    Think about it.
    Hey, read your programming thread, It was old so I didnt want to gravedig, are you still working?
    If so then I'd love to purchase some services of you.

    My Skype if you are interested ;): matttt163
    Well packet's CAN be authenticated properly, im not saying they cant. What i am saying is even when authentication is done "Properly" you'r still vulnerable to thing's like replay attack's, and almost every commercial server's is infact vulnerable to it all.....Also please explain what you meant, as you don't do anything to the packet's them self's individually to verify them,it's protocall and server/client authentication that need's verifying....(How do you have ONLY some vulnerabilities fixed, when if your packet's where encrypted and verified ALMOST all packet attack's would be fixed
    1. I never said you can't. 2.Stop flaming for no reason, PEOPLE WHERE OFFERING TO BUY THIS.....3.Please give me example's of the amazing work or proof you have given to back up your claim's 4. I think you need to take the time to look at the top list, all of the server's misinformed people such as yourself play are vulnerable to attack's/ddos or personal data leak's where they apply.5. Please give me an example of the leet server you host that has ALL the issue's covered in this thread fixed.....(I am defending freedom of information,im not saying every server suck's, im saying it would be nice for developer's to know the time they take creating and hosting there server's could be wasted if certain pro-caution's aren't taken,this is a community not a thread on 4chan.....)
    Nah, I made 3m lol. I got hacked for 300m, trying to make some bank again.
    Fuck you for ruining my thread on sabsabi, asshole.
    I was actually making RSGP.
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