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  • That helps a whole lot, I wasn't actually looking up how/why I was able to do stuff, so thank you for that.

    Sure will man, thank you again.
    Hi, I'm currently a computing student at A-Level right now (school basically) and we have Java upcoming on my course this year, I've looked over some of your posts & thread and I can tell you're obviously knowledgeable in the whole area and I know this may be a bit random and all but where would you suggest is the best place for me to start learning? I've been going through the docs already and they're pretty useful, though I was wondering if there were any alternatives to that aswell as reading over them; I've only really ever been into one other programming language that was Python and this is a notch higher, thank you in advance!
    dude its gay that rspserver.com isn't working anymore. get it back up :D!
    I just said density doesn't affect performance as much as in the old system, because you have to send updates to everyone about all 2046 player indexes (even if not online).
    I do have an effective system for querying players/npcs/items/object changes around you
    That's because it's actually not more efficient, the client doesn't even use the external positions for anything but you are required to send some sort of update about them, even if it's a skip.
    Someone (cjay?) converted the original apollo to 474 before, but apollo was intentionally designed for pre-400 clients (hence why e.g. the fs stuff is not abstracted away) - Graham mentions this on the scape-emu release thread. If you're interested in a server that would support any revision I'm working on a non-Java proof of concept.
    Apollo is only designed for 317-377. The definition decoders have no backwards-incompatible changes, so the 377 one should work.
    Oh cool, did you get much more done on the topic? Btw do you use IRC at all? I don't have Skype. I've been working on getting all of the texture mapped scanline rendering implementation refactored for the past few hours but there's a couple of parts I'd like to go over w/ someone else who has looked at the same part of the client.
    Hey dude, noticed your thread about s/w rendering in the RS client. Currently doing some work refactoring it all myself, mind if we had a chat some time to share / compare notes?
    That sounds okay. Shame that things often happen so fast and you lose any personal time. I don't see myself getting married or having children for at least 10 more years haha. I like your understanding of high-level concepts such as software rendering. It's quite exciting and I'm glad you know a bit about it too. A 317 map editor would be awesome to look at and use.
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