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  • Going to rework it quite a bit and then release it, just to piss you off even more, you seem to get mad quite easily :)
    So you want me to release it? Do you think that'd be better?

    I mean I'm currently a student, rsps actually helps me quite a lot when it comes to my finances lol. But I wouldn't mind releasing it, but that'd make me a douchebag towards the people that have already purchased it..
    lmao r u retarded? someones client? it was released, so how is that wrong? Why would I waste my time writing stuff that's already been done? :fp:
    Oh yeah you said our particles are wrong but thing is i ripped it directly from n-r client so 'your' particles are same as 'mine'.
    lol ask anyone in Notorious development team. You're so fucking cringe. Anyways thanks for the free particles man, appreciate it xx. Might even release it to piss you off. Not that it matters since it was never your work to begin with and you just sold it thinking like you owned it.
    Which I fixed myself. Your just mad I ripped particles from your client and saw your 7 classes of hardcoded npcs rofl
    Yo pal drop me a fix for every of those help threads I made. Oh yeh 2 stupid to even fucking understand it LOL
    not sure what anims you're asking about, but as far as I know, the cape uses normal cape animations and the models for npc use normal "man" animations.
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