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  • At this point you're just a troll. I'll admit I came at you a little hard, I do that sometimes. But I don't usually mean it as seriously as it might seem. My point was mainly that it wasn't a particularly fair assessment of Dodian from my point of view.

    And I don't know why you even bother to try and insult my skillset, lol. That's just as ridiculous as me saying you're a useless GFX artist who make shitty pieces, which just isn't true.
    Getting desperate now? Attacking my skillset that you also clearly know nothing about. Funny! Was that because I called you a moron? Come back to reality please. :)
    Hey! I would love to request some custom icons, if still available.
    Man unreal job on the ranks I love it! Is it possible to rename them aswell like instead of super donor have V.I.P?
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