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  • tumblr_mbnoh9z0X91r2hf4ro1_250.gif
    nd so am i right now breaking rules because reporting moderators is broken and no1 does anything... Obviously im 100% concious that im ban evading because you tupac are mod power abusing.

    Prof: This was not spam.... My messages keep being deleted for saying the truth so im spamming now threads everywhere attempt to reveal the truth about those abusive mods. Tupac has been abusing for years and ive reported tupac in past for same reason.

    And obviously i got banned for reason: HARASSAMENT! Yes, i was the one who was harrassed yet im the one banned...

    Sadly as mods are abusive this thread will be deleted and i will be banned again.... Way!

    And ye my source got leeched 2 weeks ago and scu is saying that he will ban me and release all i did and credit himself lol...

    Tupac has done that many times over the last 3 years.. And im matrix1 situation almost 2 years ago tupac forced me to give him features such as my cache editor in order not unban me.

    And for those of you calling me a kid, i have no other chance than doing this as i tried all formal ways and mods just ignore.... please read before posting...

    And this was just an example that made the point of the iceberg fall. I got many other evidences that id like to show to whoever hears...
    I've been hopping around from server to server. Nothing really feels the same as MS. I typically play these servers, get staff, resign, leave. Just doesn't feel the same. Haha
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