Huey Apr 15, 2018 You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Genesis again. Soz m8 my previous last login was 3/31/18 lol. & I literally visit the site for maybe 5 mins a month lol
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Genesis again. Soz m8 my previous last login was 3/31/18 lol. & I literally visit the site for maybe 5 mins a month lol
scoob Oct 27, 2017 Hey, need you to do a service for me, pmed you on skype but you didn't respond. Skype: ThuvRS
Huey Oct 27, 2017 If the world was flat and the universe was actually a genesis of the 3rd world of the 5th dimension of the 6th squad of the 8th lightyear twace would Genesis still be labled Genesis would Genesis now be labeled as Uenesis? ?
If the world was flat and the universe was actually a genesis of the 3rd world of the 5th dimension of the 6th squad of the 8th lightyear twace would Genesis still be labled Genesis would Genesis now be labeled as Uenesis? ?